Poem of Thanks II

even the gods / playing hide-and-seek / stumble out / of the ocean / in awe / terrible / blotting out / the sun / say ok / your turn / to hide

Review published in Action Spectacle

Mike Bagwell

Mike Bagwell is a form of mutual antagonism towards the sky, a writer, and software engineer in Philly. He received an MFA from Sarah Lawrence and his work appears in Action Spectacle, ITERANT, Sprung Formal, Heavy Feather, HAD, Okay Donkey, Tyger Quarterly, THRUSH, Annulet, and others. He is the author of chapbooks A Collision of Soul in Midair (Bottlecap), Or Else They Are Trees (El Aleph), and micros from Ghost City and Rinky Dink. He runs a reading series Ghost Harmonics in Philly. Find him at mikebagwell.me, @low_gh0st, or playing dragons with his daughters.


2 Poems in Common Measure


Where We Are Headed